There was no bike ride today since it rained and is threatening to do more of that today. Maybe tomorrow. Ally also forgo riding in today.
I mentioned that Bubbles (God bless her) has taken an interest in my diet struggles. A few days ago she sent the following:
I just read your blog so, I'm curious to see what your current body composition is. This assessment will give me a value to utilize for a complete equation and give you a better understanding on how many calories you should be consuming daily. I can then approximate what your balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat would be with that information. Let's complete this assessment at the end of the month, Okay? I see that you would like to better your diet and I could help you with this! I cannot control what you put in your mouth, but I could give you some feedback on better choices and overall understanding on balance nutrition. Why don't you keep a food log for 2 typical weekdays and 1 weekend day before the end of June and I could take a look at it. Then we could schedule another assessment.
She then followed up with two articles:
Easy Ways to Eat 5 Fruits & Veggies Each Day
In a salad rut? Here are some quick and easy ways to add vegetables to your diet without having salad every night.
- Add vegetables to pre-made sauces. If you're making a marinara sauce for pasta, add extra onions, mushrooms, and peppers.
- Add carrots, celery, onions, tomatoes, or potatoes to soups.
- Put spinach, cucumber, or carrots on your sandwich for a crunchy treat.
- Craving a mid-afternoon snack? Try carrots or celery with a little bit of peanut butter or hummus.
Bubbles stunned me by being at work early today. She's swapping shifts with Diablo and I didn't make the connection. When she's ready she's gonna make an awesome mom. Here's why:
Bubbles stares intently into the monitor way over at her desk while Bill struggles with doing some weight on the chest machine.
"Bill! Keep your head against the head rest, you'll get more benefit that way," she causally calls out, her eyes never leaving what she's looking at.
HOW DOES SHE DO THAT?! Is it genetic? Something on the X chromosome?
I mention to her my troubles with my diet and discipline. She suggests that I have my jaw wired shut and only suck baby food through a straw until I hit my target weight (kidding! I mean it Bubbles so don't get any ideas!). On the cake thing she says to try only half portions of what I intend to eat.
I'm doubtful but OK, I'll try that. I'll be really curious on how this diet thing progresses and I'll keep you posted.
My trainer ROCKS!
IronMan came strolling in when I was about midway through my total body. He's telling me his back feels a bit 'twingie' since he and JRock moved four yards of mulch in two hours and fifteen minutes yesterday. Ya think? He lays down and starts doing back stretches, I would have taken a week off.
Today's workout requires fifteen minutes of cardio and I'm batting my eyes at the StairClimber. goodMood is already on one doing one of his marathons and I'm thinking to myself, "He looks lonely..." I haven't actually pulled the trigger on it yet but yeah, it's gonna happen.
I continue working through the routine and then shutting down my cerebral cortex I walk over to the dread StairClimber. It's been so long! I've missed you... darling.
Three minutes into it the honeymoon is over and I'm a wheezing, sweat covered wreck. I'm at level seven by that point trudging pointlessly up one stair after another. Oh yeah, NOW I remember why I was shunning this machine. Too late fool, all sorts of bad karma will happen if you stop once you've plugged in the time. I must go the distance.
Five minutes left and time slows waaaay down. I start to pray that it wont go backwards. I look at the clock and it says 5:44 remaining. An hour and a half later I glance down again, 5:18 remaining. I'm sweating all over the place and kind of digging it for some reason. HR peaks right around 74% maxHR and I averaged 67% so it was a good fifteen minutes for me.
I stumble off the machine (goodMood is still on the other one) and thoroughly wipe it down.
Last night I got an email from bikerBabe. I wanted to share it with you because of the joy that radiates through it at doing something successfully for the first time. I've experienced that a few times in the gym, this is the same sort of feeling just a different context:
I changed clothes for the ride home, got my panniers on my bike, started out the door, put my leg over, got on the saddle and no, it just wasn't right. Rear tire was completely flat.
BikerHunk is in Vegas schmoozing. Drinking til all hours with his buddy from Milwaukee. They probably have Hooters girls hanging around. Who knows.
With a front coming in, and never having done it before, I wasn't sure I wanted to try changing the tube. I could call Bill or goFast for help to do it quickly. But what a girl thing to do.
Called noNeed for a ride home, but she was staying another hour.
So, I batted my eyes at a friend who had his 10 year old daughter with him. He offered to take me home. I know, another girl thing to do, but less chance of getting rained on. At home, I cut a few roses for his daughter, and she was happy. Girls are like that.
Called bikerHunk for the first of about 5 times. Established that he was ok with me calling. Reviewed the process.
I found a gash in the tire. Called bikerHunk again to find out if I could see light through the tire, if that was bad enough to change the tire. Got advice on which tires to use.
Started in on changing the tire, powdered the tube, and so on. All was going well until the last 10 inches of tire. I couldn't get that MF on. Called bikerHunk again for advice. Didn't get "you can do this" from him, just "yeah, it can be hard", so now I'm worried.
Tried and tried, surprisingly little swearing. Convinced myself that single women do this, I can do this. And I did! I got the tire completely on! Called bikerHunk to tell him I did it!
Checked the beading. Inflated the tires to 60 lbs, checked beading again. Leaned on the pump with all my weight to get up to 110 lbs. Checked beading.
Do you know how hard it is to get a rear tire back on? Well, that took another 5 minutes but no phone call.
My first time changing a tire! Dirty fingers, but who cares! I did it. Yippeee!

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