Um, yeah. Look it's not a cult, the tattoos are still optional... I think. There's another class tomorrow at 11AM, I'll get back to you on that cult thing.
Been a busy day for yours truly. I had intervals followed by a doctor's appointment (yearly physical) and I was bled by the Dread Doctor - we'll see what those results say but all in all good, so far.
I chose the stair climber for intervals, started at level five but ended up increasing it until I hit level nine. I'm not sure the stair climber is a good interval workout for me - check out the HR chart, not very "spikey" but I felt good coming off it.
Then I hung out with IronMan and goodMood waiting for Bubbles to introduce me to the new and improved ABS for Sissies! So I was sitting there enjoying my coffee, providing deep insight into the nature of man and dumbbells when Bubbles strolls in right on time.
She's clutching a clipboard and giving me the impression she's not in the mood for my particular brand of stalling BS (ppsssstt - I don't think Bubbles is a morning person, well at least not a four days out of the week morning person).
Wanna see it? (Bill's notes in blue)
- "C" Mat Crunches: Lift shoulders and tailbone off the floor 1X12-15
- Hold the last two for 4-8 counts
- Push lower back into mat
- BOSU Crunch - 'Sit Up
/Get Ups': 1X15-20 - Um, these didn't go well, everyone in the gym thought I had gone into labor with all the groaning
- Try every fourth rep to Get Up
- SB Oblique AB Crunch: 1X12-15 each side; hold last 2 reps on each side for 4-8 counts
- This ended up bothering my lower back sigh I did better after doing some warm ups
- Warm up: Curl over yellow ball with the belly button on the ball. Roll forward until the elbows touch the floor. Then roll back to knees.
- Warm up: On ball in sit up position push back until sitting on the ball (like a chair)
- Quadruped Arm Opposite Leg Raise: 2X10 hold each rep for 2-3 counts
- These are 'supermans' on all fours
- Plank On Elbows and Feet : 2X45-60 seconds
- Get on tip-toes for last twenty seconds
- Finish off with, Child's Pose Stretch and Cat/Cow Stretch
- Child's Pose Stretch - extend arms, push hips to heels like kowtowing
- Repeat this workout 2-3 days per week.
It looked kinda fun but I wasn't living it.

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