I seem to have woken up in a bit of a mood. I got up at 4:15 and drove in determined to get a head start on work - I've got paperwork piling up. Banged through my intervals (still haaaattteee them, still dooooooooo them) on the upright bike. I was wrapping that up when IronMan strolls in looking well rested and grinning ear to ear. Even though I thought I was clear with his adoring wife JRock, apparently she didn't deliver on her end of the bargain. IronMan was NOT served an unlimited supply of cold beer in a frosted mug. IronMan was NOT served a bag of his beloved Oreo Double Stuffs arranged on a silver platter in a smiley face pattern. IronMan did NOT receive a back rub and IronMan did NOT get the remote (maybe, I'm unclear on the remote thing).
JRock did mention a glass of ice water but IronMan did NOT even receive that!
Maybe he'll get that delivered to his lap tonight after she reads this?
Look IronMan I'm doing the best I can here! I'm new to this negotiation thing.
After intervals I did Bubbles' ABS workout and left at about 6:35 - SIGH - No matter how early I get in I can't seem to get out earlier :-)
Have a great day!

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