I got up at my usual (sigh) 4:15am and since I'm feeling the burn at work managed to stay focused throughout Bubbles total body. Hmmmmm, I'm liking the heart chart more than when I kind of stroll through the thing. Nice and spiky. I ended up being glad that I only had ten minutes on the recombinant bike since I made a new discovery in pain!
Can I trust you with this revelation?
Of course not, who am I kidding.
I sit in the recombinant, input all the numbers and select 'fat burner' as the program. Here's the new thing (for me) I tried. In a fit of endorphin filled reasoning (cardio is the last thing I do on this routine) I decided to keep my RPMs (cadence) above 70. That's a pretty good pace for me.
It kicked my butt and felt a little closer to a real bike ride.
What I use to do was back off the cadence when in a lighter resistance part of the routine. By keeping it up there in the 70-75 range it didn't feel like rest really. I noticed it was 'easier' but I was still working. I'm gonna try it again for a longer time and see what that's like - make it all about the cadence.
I hopped off the bike and did my stretches like a good boy. After my shower I walked, er I dressed and then walked back into the gym telling IronMan adios. He looked surprised, "You really were done?!"
Later in the day I took a break and did five minutes of Zumba - it was fun as always but my Zumba chops have atrophied, it's not like riding a bike I guess. I hope to take a full Zumba course again soon.
Bubbles has me logging my typical day of food but I'm not doing well at the recording part yet, I'm all over the eating part though. I did log my actual salad and had a bit of an epiphany.
Yesterday's salad - 717 calories
Today' salad - 548 calories
My beloved garbanzo beans = DEATH. My two eggs for protein = DEATH. I have no idea if the calorie counts are at all valid but it's interesting. Here I was thinking that by simply eating a salad I would not have to worry about the calories. I think I was wrong. Now I have to get two normal work days and a weekend day logged and send that to Bubbles.

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