I'll give you a moment to digest the implications.
OK, so last night I stoically packed the panniers and had all in preparation except for the one lousy cable I need to transfer the Garmin data, I'll update this post when I get home so that you'll believe my
Then I couldn't fall asleep - then I fell asleep hard until the stupid cardiac infarction alarm clock went off at 4:15 destroying the harmonic 'wa' I was enjoying at that time with dream land. I get up from bed, I have a plan (uncleared with my wife so most likely a bad one) and I plan to implement it. It's simple, get to work EARLY! I stumble around the bathroom managing to shave (I think, I haven't checked since I've started scaring myself when I look in the mirror) without getting one of those gosh darned "you're a bleeder" nicks. Make the coffee, leave it in shape for my wife to just turn it on when she gets up later, load the bike and GO!
I'm glad I was wearing my "It's not MY fault you hit me" windbreaker since it was a cool morning, quiet and beautiful. I get to the gym at 5am...
What the heck???
Already I'm way behind schedule, where did those 45 minutes go?
I suit up and start the total body routine somewhere around 5:10am. It's just me and AT Everest in the quiet gym, the only sound coming from the elliptical she's using on her endless quest to summit Mt. Everest. The kinder part of me hopes she never makes it, she seems to derive so much pleasure in the ongoing attempt that it would probably kill her if she actually made the summit much like those folk you occasionally read about who retire and commit suicide two days later. Now that's a waste in my book but I've always been about naps, hanging out and annoying people. I work a lifetime and NOW when I have nothing but time I'm gonna check out? Gosh I hope not but those folk I've been annoying might have other ideas.
I'd just finished the first exercise of side lunge medial somethings when IronMan shows up, takes me by the arm and profusely thanks me for my help with JRock and mentions that if I continue 'helping' one of us will DIE! He goes off doing IronMan things while I chuck a eight pound medicine ball as high up the wall as I can and catch it on the way down.
I ponder IronMan's meaning, trying to decide if I can help enough that JRock gets him before he gets me or not. I haven't made up my mind yet.
I'm pretty much through the routine, goodMood has shown up so I go and grab my thermos and talk to him while he's on the StairClimber and IronMan pretends to be on the StairClimber. I was told later he was 'stretching' mmhmm.
I do my stretches, I'm not a fan of them because it doesn't 'feel' like a workout so is wasting my time (unlike gabbing with darn near anyone, that's not wasting time!) but I'm starting to see little hints of benefit (like being able to look over my shoulder and not pull seven major muscle groups), so I'll do them when scheduled, no worries.
I pop in the sauna for as long as I can take it and then the shower. Reload all the panniers and head to work.
When? 7am - GROAN.
How was your morning? Mine was pretty fine!
UPDATE: Pretty cool heart chart! Apparently I DIED (now that I think about it, yep, I remember) or entered a zen state reserved only for zen masters. That's a Bubbles' routine for ya, not for the faint of heart!

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