I had a lot trouble with my appetite. For the past two years I told everyone that I had lost 100 pounds.
In other words I lost a pound (and gained it back) a hundred times.
At some point I heard the old saw about, “if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always got.” And thought I’d try something different. I did a lot of research on the internet, talked with friends and my doctor. All of it was pretty much more of the same thing I’d always heard. Eat less, work out more. I found that I could easily eat less, for about 15 minutes or so. And then my appetite would rear its ugly head. Sometimes my stomach would start to burn.
This is when I would surrender and I put the fire out with ice cream, brownies or some such related food group.
And then I came across the Shangri-la diet. It’s one of those diets where you eat more to lose less.
But the funny thing is that they didn’t load me up with veggies and health foods. The key here was:
to actually EAT EMPTY CALORIES, but the calories had to have NO TASTE.
Now I have to admit that I think most of the ideas here are bunk. I tried sugar water (it was named Coca-Cola) and it didn’t work. But when I tried the Olive Oil, something miraculous happened.
My appetite abated. I found that by taking a shot of oil (about an ounce) at 10 and later on at 3, I was able to cut down on my snacking and I started to lose weight. Even better, I kept it off.
Now the more I read about Olive Oil, the more I’m convinced that it’s actually good for me too.
You are welcome to join me at either or both times each day and partake a shot of olive oil.
I use the Extra Light version which has no taste. That is easier for me to swallow (no pun intended).
As for the Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s my appetite 9-1-1. If I get the munchies and don’t want to wait for the Olive Oil to take effect (or if I’ve skipped the Olive Oil), I’ll do a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar.
I can testify that once you’ve taken a shot of that, your appetite will instantly vanish.
Now it may seem counter intuitive, but I eat a bite of bread just after I do the Apple Cider Vinegar shot so that it doesn’t burn my stomach up. There are hits on the healing power of apple cider vinegar too if you want to look them up. But I’m not as religious with Apple Cider Vinegar as I am with Olive Oil.
Well, that’s it. It’s probably more than JRock expected me to write, but then I wanted to cover the bases for you.
- tireTosser
P.S. Like I said, feel free to come down and join me for a shot!
An Olive Oil addict huh? I've heard about your kind! The growing need as 'the oil' takes hold like um a lascivious lubricant of the er... palate? Cool! And keeping in the spirit of this blog and this adventure I'm on, the next time I'm jonesing for a brownie or something ah heck even if I'm not...
Of course I have to try it.
However someone of my refined taste can only consume virgin olive oil! Yep, the oil from virgin olives for this finely tuned athlete or nothing at all particularly that unchaste swill! I'll see you shortly tireTosser, apparently there is ritual involved and schedules to maintain.
I also hate this blog but still love those that read it.
...which she thinks is inflamed because I am just too self centered to buy a granny seat for my bike
My wife has latched on to this comment with a vengeance and wants me to desecrate my beloved bicycle with said granny seat!
No. Somethings transcend comfort, even of the coccyx; this is one of them.
A few days ago Diablo was telling me about a tune from the band Cry of Love called Highway Jones. The link is to the live version, the studio version is from their album Brother. It will give you and idea of the song but the studio version is much tighter in my opinion.
I will load it on the iPod and try it during one of my cardio workouts. It has that driving beat for that sort of work and some nice guitar work.
Bubbles was explaining to me yesterday the proper way to do the new routine she designed, and that I'm suppose to keep my HR high with small breaks between 'groups.'
Well that's an interesting heart chart, maybe Bubbles can decipher it. I've got a good idea what some of those spikes are, section 'A' of the workout is to destroy my legs and I'm reasonably certain those two big spikes are me 'holding' the leg press for 8-10 seconds on each rep. I asked IronMan (because I'm an IDIOT) if I was suppose to 'hold' it legs extended or compressed which is mucho harder. IronMan says, "compressed." FIGURES! So, one, hold for eight to ten seconds, two, hold for eight to ten seconds, three, pray for death... you get the idea.
Section 'B' is designed to selectively destroy sections of my arms and chest. Bubbles doesn't want to carpet bomb my physic, no no no, where's the fun in that? So I get through that and my arms and chest feel it for most of the day.
Section 'C' is the Tai-chi section and I do my best with that but I'm gonna have to get a little help with it AGAIN, when it comes to coordination I'm so goofy!
Then its Abs work so that I can get through more of ABS.
Have a great day! :-)

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