We packed and then rushed off to Nickelodeon's Animation Party (thanks sis!) over in Burbank. We had a great time there arriving about an hour early. While we were hanging out there was this guy standing there looking around, obviously an employee. I decided what the heck, and walked over to him and started asking him questions. It turns out he's Vincent Waller, one of the writers and animators for SpongeBob Squarepants. He lives nearby and was getting ready to ride his bike home. I just googled him and his blog is interesting, along with his imdb entry and Wikipedia entry. He was the most famous guy I met and I liked him right off the bat for some reason.
The party started. It was outside in this employee park like area. We ate too much free stuff (hotdogs, sliders, fresh baked chocolate chip cookies) and then the party raged and there was dancing and whatnot. One table was staffed with cartoonists and all you had to do was ask them to draw a pic of a Nickelodeon character and they would,
Then we hopped in the car and drove to the airport (BTW cutting through the heart of LA at rush hour on the 101 is NOT fun but we wanted to do the Nick party), boarded our very redeye at 12:35am, did a three hour layover in Atlanta and finally got home about 2pm.
I was exhausted.
Thanks to theDude, my sister and their two kids for a truly wonderful time!
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