Somewhere over Kansas I entered The Hell of Almost Knowing. This is an undocumented (by Dante) circle that consisted of me staring into a 3X5 LCD monitor at a broadcast of ESPN News trying to keep track of my beloved Tarheels. Only NBC was an option not CBS - go figure.
So I'm grimly watching a score ticker float by every few minutes after all the other worthless scores went by, soccer (who cares?), golf (who cares!), NHL (I so don't care!!!), women's basketball (I'm not needing this!) and then back to the men's scores.
If my attention was diverted I'd pretty much have to wait for the next stupid iteration! I'd be staring into the itsy bitsy banner, quietly going blind in support of my team. I got a handle on when the score was about to show up and would frantically start mumbling, "Come on Carolina!" while rocking back and forth, as tense as my father at a Dook game.
For far too long the score seesawed back and forth but in the end Carolina prevailed, a strong omen that out vacation would be totally awesome!
More from the land of LA-LA as it happens.

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