I'm a weak, weak man.
I did OK with dinner (salmon, rice, salad) but at the party... I ate too much of well, everything, concentrating on the cheese but no brownie was left behind and coke, two glasses of that.
So I'm sitting on the bike in a low intensity workout trying to sweat all the CRAP I overindulged in last night.
Guess what?
It's not working.
I'm watching ESPNU keeping an eye on basketball. I'm concerned about my beloved Tarheels but we're at the one game at a time phase and even as tight as yesterday's game was my team is gaining experience playing without their awesome point guard while he's healing up for the big tourny. Can Carolina do it? Oh yeah.
Update: Well shows you why you wont see MY face on ESPN - darn it all! Still if UNC can keep the one seed in the East then all is well.
Some music is playing in my ears and I'm puttering along with a mild sweat. Of course around the thirty minute mark I had to pee. This is the second time it happened. I try and ignore it, I have another thirty to go. I HATE interrupting these routines!
Then a sneaky thought crept by, "You know Bill you're all alone..." my wicked mind trails off. Oh dear Lord save me from myself! I pick up the water bottle, speculating. Too full, like my bladder.
Am I that sick? That I don't want to break up my routine for a potty break?! I'm irritated, note the time remaining and head for the lockers. As I'm entering noNeed is coming in the door she says "Hi" and I mutter something back about full bladders.
By the time I get back to the bike it's off. I add two minutes for a potty penalty and wrap up the final thirty minutes.
I decide to take a sauna since MarathonMan had left it on while he was out running around. I figure I'll see less and less of him as the weather improves. As I'm sitting in there sweating out poisons (still not working!) MarathonMan comes in and we shoot the breeze for a bit. Finally I've taken all I can take and hit the showers.
I'm thinking it's going to take another long sweat to rid myself of my excesses. I'm also under a true test here and may have to stock up on fruit or something - there's A LOT of treats around.
Hoping you're made of stronger stuff than I, have a great weekend!

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