The Carolina fight song goes like this:
I'm a Tarheel born, I'm a Tarheel bred
and when I die I'll be Tarheel dead
and when I die I'll be Tarheel dead
There it all is in two lines.
Shortly after work today I'll be in the car with my dad heading to a tiny cottage our family owns about an hour and a half from The Dean Dome. My dad and I are psyched!
Compared to yesterday the gym was a ghost town. Strictly the crazies although DavidBeckham was there for the first time (that I noticed). We were also graced with IronMan, Kingsley, goodMood, and awesomeGirl.
It was interval workout day and I chose the elliptical at thirty five minutes, I didn't want to miss out on the RackRuns! today like I did on Tuesday. If you peep out the heart chart you'll see where I got distracted (lower peaks) gabbing with someone.
SHEESH - I love this place!
I mean there are so many great people around and all of them are nice and we're sharing a common goal, the improvement of Bill, making me better... Well, OK that's a stretch but by being part of it and the shared suffering and watching some maniac doing something that you get kinda curious about and just have to try. It's all good. No, it's all great.
IronMan is giving me static about the elliptical and I tell him, "Two minutes" when he strolls by. I'd been watching both he and goodMood doing JRock's circle of hell RackRuns! with the shoulder things I described a few entries ago, mmhmm that's right JRock, I'm not buying that someone as sweet and innocent as wickedWoman would ever, EVER! devise such a hellish RackRun! - J'accuse JRock!
I hop off the machine, unload all my modern man gear (heart monitor, iPod) before heading back to the RackRuns! with my knuckles dragging, I'm feeling pretty full of myself. IronMan has laid out the weights up to twelve pounds for me and I'm silently (Thank GOD!!!) thinking I'll do biceps and shoulders. After the first run of biceps I'm thinking OK maybe only one run of shoulders, after the second run of biceps I'm thinking, dear sweet Lord let me have the strength to get through the third run!
As I sit here typing I wish I had attempted the shoulders but I know that's the endorphins talking.
While I'm struggling with my little RackRun! goodMood and IronMan are metaphorically pounding each other on the shoulders like football players. Those two are awesome to watch but its a lot like putting nitro and glycerine together. It could be bad for your health. Think of it this way, we all want to be Keith Richards in the seventies, cigs, drugs, money, rock and roll, the whole nine yards. That dude walked the walk and quite a few tried to follow, quite a few are dead, just ask Graham Parsons.
While I'm working my three pound dumbbells goodMood is strapping the heavy leg weights on and doing dips. IronMan and I help him count, goodMood does three dips, "ONE" - goodMood announces we don't know how to count and finishes up his ten. Meanwhile IronMan has gotten bored with holding two twelve pound dumbbells out in front of him and decides to do it with a manhole cover.
Naturally I have to try it, he did like fifteen reps, I did four half-assed ones.
I decide to blow off ABS since I have much to do before hitting the car for NC.
I suspect Bubbles will take note of that and make me suffer upon my return. She had better, my diet will be mostly fried, fattening and tasty.
Remember, GO TAR HEELS! I'll be back on Tuesday!

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