Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What's it mean???!!!

I'm staring at the 12.5 pound dumbbell in something akin to wonder. What's its purpose? What was the reasoning behind adding the extra half pound? 12.5 pounds is 5.68 kilograms so I doubt that is the answer.

I canvass the others in the gym and they're mystified too and these guys would know but then they're dealing with more troubling problems like, "Why is the bar on one of the weight machines nineteen pounds? Huh?!"

It's a good question and might make for fun math if you were trying to lift something like seventy five pounds.

I mean twenty pounds would be a kinder number (19 pounds is 8.64 Kilos BTW).

So why? ... I'm starting to feel like I'm in an X-Files episode or OK maybe Scooby Do, "The Mystery of the Strange Weights."

Perhaps the same manufacturer of the bar also makes the dumbbells and some corporate beancounter said, "Well if we take one pound off the bar we could add one half pound to each dumbbell and really screw with Bill!"

I don't know but I'm oddly attracted to 12.5 lbs and plan to incorporate it in all my workouts. I am a huge fan of, "The Land of Misfit Toys."

I'm still trying to acclimate (the time change didn't help) to getting into the gym before switching over to Iron Man time. I read some article (probably written by my wife) that if you want to get benefit from dragging your resentful, excuse making butt into the gym you're gonna have to do it three times out of the week minimum.

Well I'm already doing two, so why not one more? (Buy the Ticket)

In other news :-)

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