Friday, March 29, 2019

Righteous Indignation

My wife glares at me with righteous indignation, her vegetable filled fork halfway to her mouth, "It's just not right." She's been describing some TV show she's latched onto in a love/hate sort of way. The episode that's raised her ire has to do with running a 5K. Their ignorance has wrecked that particular episode for her.

"I mean this guy goes running off for a bit and comes back saying he's gotten back being under a six minute mile." This is no small feat and I'm certain it was delivered by the actor in some sort "ho hum" manner which has seriously spiked her blood pressure.

For the record my wife takes running very seriously. She loves it and is a total dork about it. When it comes to running she's um spirited.

"Do you know what they did next?! They ran the race in the afternoon!!! I've never run a race in the afternoon!"

I interject, "I'm sorry, were you watching a documentary or a TV show? I'm guessing the lighting is better in the afternoon than the crack of dawn."

She grins at that, "It's just not right."

I did spin class today, LT was, well LT all happy to inflict suffering, elevated heart rates and sweat on her subjects.

I was so jazzed for this class I set up early and was bored, offering to set up other bikes for her.

"No, you guys do too much for me already! Get on an elliptical, or lift or something."


Well OK I did some crunches but went to my "safe zone" - passive aggressive.

It was a great workout.

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