Thursday, March 7, 2019

Omens and Other Portents ...

Clearly there's something amiss ...

There are more cars in the parking lot, what's it mean?! I trudge (yes Wheezy trudges when not waddling) into the locker room half-heartedly wondering if a blog entry will occur to me or not.

This blog will be critical to my continuing to destroy myself in the gym. I enjoy writing even if I'm crappy at it.

Enough negativity.

I toss my bag in some locker grateful that:
  1. I'm in the men's locker room so no one is getting dangerously excited and
  2. that it's the same locker I used last time
Study's show that exercising keeps you smart and I don't doubt it but I would say that the exact opposite is true for thirty or so minutes after a workout when your mind, flooded with endorphins, is in the "WTH just happened?" stage. 

I waddle towards the gym when I see him but I just can't quite process the image... could it be?


He's wrapped up his workout and is wiping the gym down. Nothing remains untouched after an Ironman workout. We hug, in a totally gay way, and we both open with the same question, "What the heck are you doing here?!"

It turns out the highfalutin gym he was attending, because it was close to his home and all, has transformed into some hellish regimented workout zone where you spend ten minutes on a machine, a whistle goes off and you move to the next machine. I can't recall what fancy-pants name he gave that (cuz I'm getting smarter) and I've dashed off an email to Lead Trainer for the name.

Lead Trainer replies back with, "Is it Orange Theory?" I don't know so I dig a bit deeper and of course she's right, that's why she's the Lead Trainer and why I asked her in the first place.

So Orange Theory has driven Ironman back to this gym on MWF at 5AM

Give me another week I have to psych myself up for that hour of the morning.

I did 20 on the bike and blah blah blah lifting and whatnot and have starting entertaining the idea of allowing the trainers to give me what they euphemistically call, "love and attention" - don't be fooled, this is trainer speak for destroying your will to live.

Could be fun - buy the ticket ...

I walk to the car wondering why it's so cold when I realize I left my coat in the locker room - getting smarter by the minute.

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