Friday, March 22, 2019

A little more ... PLEASE!

A little more ... PLEASE!

So this is to be the way of it then. Lead Trainer is hell bent on killing me with polite kindness, interesting.

Much has happened since I last babbled into the blog. My weight has been deemed by a medical professional as approaching "beached whale" and for fun the good doctor has decided to have bloodwork done to check for diabetes.

A clear warning shot.

Perhaps a touch of self-discipline is in order?! You'll watch my epic "Battle with the Donut" on this blog.

So where was I? Oh yeah, I was greeted this morning with a text from IronMan (who's dangerously close to being named IronMOM) that read, "Missed u this morning." causing me to fire off a selfie with Lead Trainer proving I was at her 7AM spin class.

Lead Trainer kicks off the class with stretches and breathing before getting to it. This simple activity spikes my heart-rate since my balance is almost as sucky as my rhythm. There are [counts on fingers] six of us plus Lead Trainer, and since this is my first dance with this crowd I have no idea if this is normal or not.

A little more ... PLEASE!

LT (I grow weary of typing Lead Trainer) is babbling about some hill we're climbing and it's long, so long, I'm not gonna make it ... I wish I had brought water. I wish I was blood 'doping' so that I could just spin effortlessly while silently mocking my classmates "struggling." Like the immortal W.C. Fields said, "If you can't win ... cheat." #deepWisdom

What's at the top of the hill???!!!!

LT is doing a one armed handstand on her bike saddle while asking this question or I'm starting to hallucinate from lack of water ... she stares expectantly at her class before pointing at some sweaty dude for the answer.

What's at the top of the hill???!!!!


Donuts?  I would have gone with water.


LT has informed us that it's National Puppy Day, so they're waiting for us at the top of this hill with donuts. It's getting weird.

Are you having fun? Say yes!


And, oddly, I am having fun. LT is droning on about something as I begin to experience what some might call, "the onset of death" and I begin to peddle frantically towards the light. There are puppies here and they're made of donuts, as I scoop up a Labrador chocolate donut puppy and prepare to take my first, oh-so-deserved nibble my fugue state is broken by

Let's do some bounces!!!

Everyone is keeping up with it but me, you're suppose to stand up and sit down as fast as LT says to (Are you having fun? Say yes!) and peddle. It probably looked like this from LT's point of view.

My next steps are to do this again on Monday because I'm stupid that way, also I'll be getting my first routine that day.

OH! Did I say that out loud? 

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