Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Projected Growth

I'm certain you were as shocked as I was that the "super committee" failed, joining me in Loserville. Those of us in Loserville are a bit disappointed that these gibbering, finger pointing, idiots are here driving down property values. We plan to throw them out before they wreck the place.
So, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe these halfwits were tasked with trimming $1.2 trillion from the projected growth of the deficit, or fake money in other words, and they couldn't even do that. Personally increased taxes are a non-starter for me since the problem is spending. I'm suppose to give the bloated swine that is the federal government more money?! Steyn is correct, I get to watch the death of America first hand, not the soft slow decline like western Europe. We are not serious about this and shall suffer the consequences.

So we kick the can further down the road, doing nothing. Much like how I spent my post Philmont summer, laying around... growing softer. It's work, this exercise thing and it takes discipline. Which is why I'm struggling with it.

So, will Bill grow increasingly fat or will he do what needs to be done?

I did 30 on the bike. Not enough, like cutting imaginary money.

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