Monday, November 21, 2011

The Damage Done

OK, it's Monday - my son turns 17 today and I'm pretty amazed by that. Happy Birthday to the best son a dad could wish for!

Unfortunately I'm cranky, probably because it is Monday. I'm done with my little self-assessment. Weight is back to ground zero meaning I get to start all over again except this time with full knowledge of what it takes to drive it down. Cardio seems OK and this achilles might be a problem along with the knee - neither of which have found it in them to let Philmont go.

Hmmm, I wonder if I'll drive this weight down? I'm kinda thinking maybe/maybe not. God decided to give me a motivational omen this morning by presenting only one little cereal box of Raisin Bran instead of my normal two, obviously indicating His displeasure with my wayward ways.

So more cardio with 30 on the spinner followed by a few crunches. I might goof around with the weights tomorrow in an effort to check the damage done in that arena. Can't wait! ::rolls eyes::

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