Friday, November 12, 2010

Across the USA

Note to self need to bring in cable for the Garmin...

When I get into the gym I see goodMood on a spinner, so he wasn't kidding about 'sharing' this experience unlike that pantywaist ponyTail. But I guess ponyTail is a pantywaist by definition since she's a girl and all and so is permitted to wear these types of undies without any derogatory comments from the peanut gallery. Whereas if I was to wear them it would be considered odd. I mean why to chicks get to wear pants but the second some dude slides on a sundress out come the pitchforks, feathers and tar?


Why did you bring this up? This has nothing to do with the fact that I had two hours sleep last night from HELL COLD courtesy of my daughter and I decided to man up and do this stupid thing with goodMood this morning.

People are going to be forming pools during meetings on exactly when Bill nods off during one today and this gosh darned pod lifestyle I've embraced doesn't lend itself well to napping when you have SIX podmates staring at you when it starts to happen.

So myPeg, goodMood, awesomeGirl (? maybe if so we didn't speak) and others were there. I nod at goodMood, climb on the stairclimber hammer out 20mins on that with that abomination of a workout Bubbles/Diablo (one of those fiends) developed. Stagger off that, wipe it down and hop onto a Spinner next to J-TOSRV and do some 20min interval routine on that, lurch off that, wipe it down and sway over to the elliptical for 20mins on that before reeling for the showers and blessed Aleve. 1:14 mins with my HR at 83% - yes I am an idiot. As I hammer this out before my first nap meeting I'm uh feeeellllliinnnggggg it.

What was it like? It was like this...

So I put my earbuds in
Start playing my songs,
And the butterflys fly away

Noddin' my head like yeah
Moving my hips like yeah,

And I got my head down,
Hammering along
Knowing I'll ralph today

Yeah, It's cardio in the USA
Yeah, It's cardio in the USA

That's pretty much what it's like.

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