Thursday, August 26, 2010


I look back on this week through a haze of I don't know what. It just sits back there with little glimmers of memory blinking back in some fog.

I'm in Cincy, baking at the woman's ATP tennis tournament. I'm watching Ivanovic retiring from her semifinal match against Clijsters after stubbing her toe or something. If it wasn't so incredibly hot I'd probably be irritated but I just don't care, the heat sapping my interest.

Ivanovic Watching A Ball Sail By Before Defaulting

My wife and I are staggering around looking at various matches and booths. We go over to court 2 and watch some dudes trying to qualify for the men's tourny next week. Everyone is crammed under the only shade you can find except this maniac.

Mr. Lonely Enjoys Some Tennis

Then we come across Clijsters giving some post match interview which I couldn't hear but imagine had a lot of insightful questions on how she got Ivanovic to stub her toe.

Clijsters Refuses to Reveal Her Toe Stubbing Secret

After enduring that heat I got so grumpy I had the dog spayed.

 The Cone of Shame

I do a 22 mile bike ride over the weekend, continuing exploring Plain City. I think I'm reconciling myself to a life of mediocrity on the bike. I don't think that century is gonna happen this year. I also started a 'reset' at the gym. I'm going back to brutal honesty and frankly I don't like what I see but this approach works better than lying to myself.

So I'm inward bound and hitting the gym again with something approaching stonewashed enthusiasm. I'm trying to get past the way this girl feels. I took this picture on the way out of a local water park.

 Great job on hiding the hangover, thumbs up!

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