Thursday, April 22, 2010

Death March Redux

There was no workout today ::glares at nothing::

This is the way of things at the moment.

We managed to get through yesterday accident free... well maybe... I having this nagging suspicion that somewhere in the house is Layla's 'happy' place.


But until that place is discovered all is well. One of the benefits of Layla is that my wife and I are working out on her together at lunch. I know my wife likes this and I confess to enjoying it too. We walk Layla until she does her business and then eat something for lunch and head back to work, both of us praying that Layla can hold out until our kids get home from school.

My wife has been reading about this breed (I have joined the Order of Cage Whackers and that's that) and apparently they're a sneaky breed. Disobedience bred into them. Oh they're all 'good' when you're about but the second that door closes they're all over forbidden furniture. It becomes a variation of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

My son, wife and I reenacted yesterday's death march to UDF last night, my daughter was watching a friend at a high school softball game. My wife, who I suspect still holds out hope that there's a place with unicorns, pixies, and sedate dog walking, wasn't prepared for what ensued. Layla was interested in everything (apparently Schnauzers are sniffers) and there was a smorgasbord of activity going on. We finally made UDF and got our treats. Layla discovering these pod like tree seeds and repeatedly gnawing on them over our collective "NO!"s and what not. I'm convinced they contain a mild hallucinogen because she lost her mind on the walk home attacking rocks and trying to tackle pine cones for crying out loud! I mean how do you tackle a pine cone?!

Oh life is good for Layla.

By the time we got home we were exhausted, particularly my wife who sat on the couch bleeding stress. Layla laid on the floor keeping us in sight after we battled a bit with "blue" a toy of hers. So naturally when I awoke to Layla's whines ("Where are youuuuuuu??? helloooooooo") at about 5am (I was to be there by 4:30am) my wife elected to oversleep.

So here I sit, workoutless, hoping you're going through less tumultuous times.
After Effects of the Death March.

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