Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cramping is No Fun

My body thanked me for the reintroduction of exercise yesterday by treating me to three massive cramps in my left leg starting around 11pm. It was the usual sort of thing, everything's quiet, peaceful like and then Bill pulls his left leg up just a smidge and every single muscle in his left leg replies...


I sat on the edge of the bed trying to figure out how to stand before giving up and asking my wife if she wouldn't mind getting me a banana and a glass of milk. She's been through this drill before (I seem to cramp fairly often) and quickly brings it back. I wolf down the banana and slurp the milk to no avail, sighing inwardly, I ask for salt figuring the relief is worth the risk to the BP. That seems to do the trick.

The next two assaults I manage to get through without waking my wife (I think). Needless to say I've had more restful sleep.

Due to rain and what not I drove into work and did some ABS, lifting and no cardio, tomorrow I hit that again. It's suppose to be colder but if it's over 40 then I should be back on the bike.

I'm gonna work on the Poland write up tonight. Here's a teaser...

Has Bill Been in the Mescaline Again? You Make the Call!

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