Monday, August 6, 2012

You've Got to Change Your Wicked Ways

Both kids are in band camp giving my wife and I a preview of what life will look like when they're bot in college except we'll be much MUCH broker. I do hope the kids are having fun at camp, my daughter looked pretty apprehensive when we left.

In the pot calling the kettle black (yes, I'm racist ::rolls eyes::) department I'm trying to make sure my son fills out all of his Eagle paperwork - that's what we're down to here - he fills it out, does his board of review and he's an Eagle. I can not seem to maintain a laissez faire attitude when it comes to this and I'm certain I'm setting a sterling example with my current apathy towards working out.

Yo son, see I'm doing something sucky so you should too!

But you're not doing it dad!



::sigh:: I have entire conversations roll through my head like this and I rarely win them.

OH! This just in from Twitter:


We aggregate all of the news stories from around the web about Nastia Luikin. We are not affiliated with Nastia Luikin... We are just huge fans!

um, yeah. This would be great if I was a huge fan (or a stalker) - I'm just a minor fan who gets the tweets Ms. Luikin wants to share. One day soon there will probably be a @HugeBillFans:


We aggregate all the crap Bill has shoved into his gaping maw. We are not affiliated with Bill... We are just fans of how huge he is!

Unless I change my wicked ways.

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