Monday, March 14, 2011

iPad2? Fat Chance!

Well everything pales next to what's happening in Japan.

I opted for my son's band competition and so missed any opportunity of getting an iPad 2 when they went on sale Friday. I wasn't alarmed figuring I could just stroll in on Saturday and grab one. I proved I was just about as divorced from reality as the Obama administration Saturday morning during my whirlwind tour of local stores. Apple, Target, Best Buy, Walmart - NADA. Sales clerks were actually laughing in my face! "Do we have any iPad 2s? AS IF!" So I went online and ordered one through Apple, I should get it in April 2025 when the iPhone70 and iPad64 are debuted.

Shrug. At least it will be what I want as opposed to good enough if that's all you have impulse buy in a store.

I'm struggling with the time change having gone to bed way too early and then did the check what time it is tango from about 1am to 4am when I got up.

I did forty-five minutes on the spinner doing intervals. goFast is already out on his bike battling the wind and temperatures far ahead of this little sissy. Of course goFast is dangerously insane.

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