Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Diablo!

Apparently December 1st was Diablo's birthday. I had no idea until my vast network of spies, moles and tattle tales informed me. Sooo....

Happy Birthday to Diablo!!!
May all your birthday wishes (not involving me in some negative fashion) come true!!!

Give him some static, he's muttering weird crap like, "It's just another day" and other humble stuff. DUDE! ::metaphorically grabs Diablo by his metaphoric chin:: You were brought onto this big ball of dirt on the First of December and by God we're happy to have you aboard crushing our thighs and driving our heart rates to unreasonable levels. 'Just another day' SHEESH! ::rolls eyes:: It's your day and I'm sorry I missed it! Don't make me spank you cuz I'm not above it ya know!

I woke up at 4am feeling pretty ok, thinking I'd get into the gym and do some long tempo workout on the bike or something like that. I wanted to keep my metabolism up from yesterday's abomination of a workout.

Then I moved.

Oh - My - Gosh. Stiff and sore I crawl out of bed and head into the gym. crazyBubbles has done something horrible to my... oh forget it I'm not going to look it up... inner thigh muscles. They are positively LADEN with lactic acid. Don't ask me to cat walk, it's not gonna happen.

I decide on a recombinant setting it for 35mins, level 7 on my old favorite 'fat burn.' I was going to go for a high RPM but could barely keep the thing above 80 I'm not sure if it's because my thighs started bitching immediately or my position on the bike. Whatever. It takes me a good three minutes to untangle my ear buds and I decide to experiment with iTunes 'Genius' playlist. I copied over 'Rock Mix 1' and rapidly discovered it was filled with acoustic stuff (like a live version of Neil Young's Sugar Mountain) which doesn't work for me during a workout. For some reason I gutted it out until the last four minutes before hopping over to my 'Workout' playlist which had more driving music in it. I think iTune's 'Genius' thingy is a pretty cool idea if you're in the mood for something different. I'm typing this listening to 'Alternative & Punk Mix' when I Like to Move It (from Madagascar) came on, that went straight to the Workout list. This was followed by Burl Ives singing Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer - Alternative & Punk huh? The thing is I can almost see that.

I hop, well OK, gingerly get off, the bike. My legs feel better but I'm still hurting a bit. I shoot the breeze with IronMan who's doing situps while holding a 35lb weight up over his chest and crunching hard. Sheesh! If you think of it, give IronMan some love, he's going through a rough patch at work very similar in feel to what I went through a month or so ago, just a different flavor of it.

Hang in there IronMan!

I plop down, hard, near him on a BOSU. I'm a little surprised I didn't pop the silly thing. What hath Bubbles wrought on my poor middle-aged physic? I grab a 10lb medicine ball and start doing my situp-getups.



I had forgotten about yesterday's ABS class. I struggle through fifteen of those, then do fifteen bicycles, then trying them in reverse (which is oddly hard to do). Then I have to get a 6lb medicine ball for Russian Twists and I have to CRAWL over to the balls to get one. It's just too painful to stand up. LOL!

After I did those I was done son.


mmhmm ::rolls eyes::

I was eating breakfast, sitting at the table with The Coven of Exercise Fanatics when a coworker (I've got to name him but need to give that one some thought) dropped by saying I had "gone to the darkside" meaning my recent H.E.A.T. experience.

Well my body isn't so sure of that :-) Let's see if I survive Tuesday, the first time isn't so bad because you don't know nuttin, the second (when you do) begins to tell the tale.

Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Diablo!!!

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