Friday, December 11, 2009

Dues to Pay

Of the morning crew only IronMan, goodMood and I appeared to make it. ponyTail showed up a bit later when I was suffering on the bike doing the interval thing.

I had dues to pay. Yesterday was our 'Holiday' lunch and the usual suspects were involved, chocolate cheesecake and chocolate fudge cake. Naturally I had both, what could I do? It's political suicide to diss one's VP by not partaking! Bootlicker that I am I made sure he knew his generosity was well placed. That night using the Lose It program I paid close attention to "the line" feeling particularly BITTER that one lousy slice of cheesecake clocked in at 460 calories! Anyway by the end of the day I was close, but not over 'the line.'

I really didn't wanna have to put in the time/effort on the bike but what the heck. The iPod wasn't in the mood either playing one crap song (that I of course selected as a good work out song) after another. I could only rarely find a rhythm that would keep me in the 110rpm range on a work interval. Right before the last work interval I put on a interval fav of mine and hammered it. I love getting lost in a song.

I get off the bike, wipe it down, do some sit-up/get-ups while gabbing with ponyTail and weigh in at 201.5 - grin.

Have a great weekend!

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