Gotta ponder that bit of fearful symmetry for a bit.
So, how did you spend your weekend?
A comment from the mysterious "Andy" on last Friday's post put me into a tailspin of binge drinking, eating... ::shudders:: the horror...
Violating numerous child labor laws I hired an "actress" to reenact my lost weekend because, frankly, it was all I could afford after that bar tab.
So the link that set me off? It was an article informing me, "For the first time in history, the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public School system will exceed $100,000."
I'm too hungover to comment anymore on this Wisconsin debacle at the moment.
I sit in my pod and gaze, without really seeing the lost souls on the side of the milk box, while eating my morning ration of Raisin Bran. I sure hope they find those poor lost puerile legislators, they must be so frightened, they can't even do their jobs.
I'm starting to wrap my head around the larger issue, which is sadly me. Two hundred and thirty two pounds huh? I've been at this exercise in futility for over two years and have lost a grand total of three pounds.
I have Philmont staring me in the eye (from a distance at the moment, thank God). It has definite weight restrictions. Will that and the fact that I've already shelled out $1,300 be enough to get me to back off the Dairy Queen?
Awash in a demonic Zulu Dawn, I've been popping them off one by one. I must be getting ready for the weight issue since I actually weighed in today. I must be thinking that the current demon that plagues me is about to fall so it's time to take aim on the next one...
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