Rough morning for the family with the thunderstorms and the tornado warning sirens going off every fifteen minutes or so starting around 4:30am. Turns out that where we live covers three counties with our tornado sirens so even though it was only one county we all got to hear it.
My wife in kids would trudge off to the basement while I bravely shaved for work.
It was a somewhat relaxed weekend. We went to Cincy to drop in on my parents. Where I learned that my dad has become something of an iPad junkie - loving the instant on of the thing, getting to read about his beloved Tarheels and check the weather even sooner. I want one.
My folks are doing well and I was touched when my dad called Mrs. Evans to let her know he was taping a bball game for Dr. Evans to watch a bit later. Dr. Evans is having a rough go of it and he's in my prayers. Rumor has it my dad will even smuggle in the illicit beer from time to time.
This weekend dad and I head to NC to watch Carolina play the hated dook in basketball. I'm so looking forward to that!
So I'm stumbling around this morning, trying to wake up and paying attention to the orgasmic weathermen gushing all over their Doppler radars... ew... I know, right? It's kind of disgusting flipping between channels watching these guys getting more and more worked up, and kinda funny. Where I was sitting I could hear sporadic, driving rain but no tornado trains, no huge gusts of wind. I got bored and managed to catch the last fifteen minutes of John Stossel's Battle for the Future. Which was pretty interesting.
Now I'm at work, blew off the gym and am now feeling a bit guilty about that.
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