Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Mood

This video was smuggled from Bubbles H.E.A.T. class. Many gym rats died to bring this to you. I'm the one on the left cheating against the wall.

Have you ever just been not in the mood? That's a consistent feeling for me when I have to write my monthly report but I buckle down and do it.

As I look in on Bubbles behind her desk in her office she's giving off a strong not in the mood for Bill vibe. I get that a lot so I switch to 'eggshell' mode.

It's about 10 minutes to seven and I ask, "Are we doing H.E.A.T. today?" I'm not exactly indifferent to the question, I hung out jawing with IronMan and goodMood beforehand where IronMan was spending time suggesting I get on the bike and suffer but it's H.E.A.T. day and I've eaten my Clif bar and even though I'm not in the mood I'm ready for it.

I follow-up with something that just dawned on me, "I mean you didn't send out an invite for the class..." I trail off studying her closely. Bubbles mutters something about having forgotten last Thursday and right now I'm figuring it would be a H.E.A.T. class with just Bill. Wow a personal trainer, one on one. She'll kill me.

Slightly panicking at the thought I go on, "I can just do some time on the stairclimber, don't worry about it." and wander off.

The next thing I know Bubbles is rifling through some file cabinet and muttering about doing some ABS circuit class. So I figure, OK, fifteen minutes of ABS and then I'll do some time on the stoopid stairclimber.

The otherPonyTail, myPeg, tireTosser and yours truly were in the class stumbling from station to station, each station consisting of some ABS horror. About midway through the course the otherPonyTail says, "Bubbles are you feeling OK?"

Bubbles does look sorta pale and fesses up to not feeling so hot having had a rough night. The Pregnancy Blues I guess. This explains much about her lack of enthusiasm for spending quality time with Bill!

When ABS is over Bubbles starts setting up for H.E.A.T. which surprises me but I lend a hand. theOtherPonyTail mentions some injury so she's gonna pass and myPeg isn't in the mood which leaves me and tireTosser.

It took awhile longer but zombieBill emerged and the whole thing is this jittery mash of images, stumbling and looking at tireTosser's back as he spent most of the time in front of me. What remains in harsh clarity though is the grand finale!

Suicide Bear Crawls.

Bubbles had some grand vision of us being able to do the entire length of the gym but called it off at half court (and back). tireTosser did that before taking a break.

Me? I was taking a break all over the place. I had NUTTIN by that point in the class.

Here's the thing, here's how I'm starting to feel about H.E.A.T.

I suck at H.E.A.T. and don't really care. It is a tough class. What I discovered today though is I want this class, I like it's after effects and I currently believe I'm getting incrementally better. After spending a few months in the doldrums it looks like my weight is starting to go down. I need someone watching me if I'm truly going to 'push it' and this class does that very well.

As much as it pains me to write this, I would have been disappointed if it hadn't happened.

I also have doubts this class is going to make it, with an average attendance of two it seems doubtful but that might also be a holiday thing.

After the class I thanked Bubbles for having it even though she wasn't feeling 100%

I weighed in at 200.5

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