Monday, December 7, 2009

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Today is not going to be a good day, from weighing in at 206 to weird Catch-22 situations at work. Couple that with the fact that the Garmin (my HR monitor) was convinced that I did my workout on April 3rd, 2007 and I can tell all the omens and portents don't bode will for Bill this week.


With regards to the Garmin, I'm under the impression that it needs to periodically check with it's mother ship on the date time thing. We'll see what 'time' I exercise tomorrow since I laid the goofy thing on the window sill and let it have a nice long chat with orbital satellites.

The weekend was nice. We bought our first real Christmas Tree as a family along with an inflatable penguin, which is nothing but class in the front yard. We have it hooked up to some sort of timer and so the thing lays flat on the yard until it gets dark and then inflates and lights up bringing cowboy Christmas cheer to the entire neighborhood!

I managed to get in a quick workout on Sunday with my wife but 20min on the bike on fat burn did not appease the weekend flab god. I'm growing bored with this 206 battle. It's time to man-up and cut out the treats, I fully expect to turn into some unimaginable jerk during this time kicking puppies out of my way and taking candy from babies, "If I can't have any, neither can youuuuuuu!"

Good times, good times.

Anyway, given past experience I fully expect my resolve to last until lunch when I'll have to face The Soft Serve Yogurt Machine.

Shrug. We'll see.

I did (what felt like it at the time, before facing that bitch scale) my usual interval workout on an upright bike and ABS but in the background of my subconscious was a knowing, almost like a tolling of a bell.

Tuesday's H.E.A.T. class.

It was just chiming in reminding me that this is the first day that my thighs climbed out of the lactic acid bath they had been bathing in since Friday.


The gym had a 'subdued' feel to it today. Not many in there, AT Everest, goodMood and Kingsley. Diablo waved to me before heading into the office. All was quiet.

Well, except for that incessant tolling of the H.E.A.T. class bell.

For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for me. Tomorrow is going to Suck with a capital 'S'. Still, I'll be there, with bells on.

I hope your week is off to a better start than mine.

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