IronMan remains skeptical, "Well it feels light." he says while slapping more weight on the bar.
I'm staggering around after thirty five minutes of intervals (makes a mental note to work on my ode, Intervals, How I Loathe Thee... Let Me Count the Ways) on the recumbent wondering how he can tell. Still it's important. If you're staring into the smoldering eyes of your significant other or boozy eyes of some drunk chick at the bar you want to be able to say, "Yeah I bench 320" with authority, not 310 because the bar is ten pounds lighter than you thought it was. That's demoralizing to both parties.
Bubbles is behind her
oh boy
She also offers up the scale in the trainer's room so that we can solve The Mystery of the Bar's Weight once and for all. I was cast in the role of 'Shaggy' but that's just typecasting. Once IronMan was done benching (I was given the honor of spotting for him) we grab the two bars of same style and weigh them. The suspicious bar clocked in at 43.5 pounds and the other one at 44 pounds.
Boy was I impressed! IronMan can spot a pound and a half difference even when he's lifting a gazillion pounds! Keep these bar weights in mind if you're training for the Olympics though, it could come back to bite you during the snatch.
I had stalled enough and it was time for my ABS. I was the picture of inebriated grace during the BOSU Sit Up/Get Up part of the show but Bubbles threw me a bit off stride asking I had had ever done some hellish abs thing with a stability ball. I flashed back to her ABS Class for Grownups and recalled it quite well. So that's in my future, uh, super.
As I was headed to breakfast I cross paths with McBeal coming in after her bike commute carrying a mere backpack. Amazing. She'll turn the contents of said pack into a high fashion wardrobe. We shoot the breeze while I silently gnash my teeth at her efficiency, glumly thinking of my two panniers and trunk for all my crap. Who's the bigger GIRL Ally, huh? HUH?! (rolling eyes at my girly self).
Sitting down at my desk with my two eggs (over easy), two pieces of bacon (Kingsley does NOT approve - Bill has twelve moms with all the folk watching what I eat) and tea I blink at the monitor.
Two meeting invites from Bubbles on Tuesday and Thursday so she can assist me in achieving my goals await.
I click 'Accept' - bring it.

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