goFast informs me, "As a former thick necked lifter, the bench bar is 'supposed to be' 45 lbs WITH collars. I believe you will have to weigh them again and figure out which collars go with which bars. You will then need to mark them appropriately. After that, monitor activity so that no one cheats by using the light collars and the light bar... that would just be wrong."
Hmmmm I confess to not delving further into the light bar crises this morning. In fact, other than awesomeGirl, ponyTail (who cheated and carbo-loaded on beer last night), and AT Everest there seemed to be an aura of lassitude and indifference wafting through the gym this morning spearheaded by lazybones Kingsley.
Kingsley set the tone by coming in after me and announcing that today was going to be, "Light and quick." My hands were tied at that point. We become herd animals in the gym and though I'd hesitate to call Kingsley the alpha he does have more years in than I do, so if he's gonna lounge about I better follow suit. Today was my total body anyway and is not cardio just toning or something, anyway Bubbles told me to do it and I'm certainly not gonna cross her! (I shudder at how adept she is at getting me to push myself further, and if she's irritated... look she's sly 'k?)
So yeah, Bill the candy ass doesn't buck the Bubbles' bandwagon. I get the added benefit of a stronger core, weight loss (the belt has gone in another notch as of yesterday), feeling better, and more confidence which I oddly find inspiring.
Then IronMan comes in and stalls at the front desk reading yesterday's newspaper! He moved like molasses through the gym saying we're lucky to even see him in there he's been sleeping so well. I figure if you're sleeping well, at my advanced dotage, you might not want to pass on that.
I think goodMood showed up but the dude is getting so skinny he's kinda hard to see. He was quiet, probably to keep from drawing attention to himself and catching a whopping case of apathy.
So, this probably wasn't the best time to figure out which collars go on which bars and monitor anyone.
Then Diablo shows up so we had to pretend to be motivated. Kingsley did this by leaving. The rest of us resorted to acting. Diablo's in fine spirits and joking around with us a bit.
In closing I can now share what most of you already know. Bubbles got herself knocked up and is expecting a baby! She's been pretty vocal about this already but I officially got permission to post this wonderful news yesterday.
I'm certain all will go swimmingly and hope nothing but the best for her family!!! I'm also certain not to make eye contact, to be as skinny as goodMood, and not whine about anything by the time Bubbles drags her sleep deprived rear end into work after her kid is born.
Have a great weekend!

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