Here's what my bike would look like if I would get around to cleaning it
TomS accurately described the bike in an email as a 'tank.' Here's a Trek 2.1 for comparative purposes.
And this years Trek 520 - where they have made modifications to the frame after years of not touching it.
Now there are lots of differences between the two bikes even though they clock in at the same price tag ($1,319.99) and you can spot a lot of the differences in the pics. TomS is interested in biking but what does he mean by 'biking'? Another way to ask the question is, "What do you intend to use the bike for?" This is why you'll see a lot of serious bike folk have two bikes, one to act as a commuter and one for the road. I try to use mine for both so I suffer from compromise.
The 520 weighs more, it's built with a "Cro-Moly" steel frame. Notice the number of spokes on the 520, that puppy is built to carry serious weight from panniers and can handle a pothole much better than the spoke arrangement on the 2.1. The 520 has end shifters which are easier to repair in the middle of nowhere if you have a mechanical issue, to be honest this might be a feature I may 'upgrade' eventually on my bike to STI type shifters. Finally the 520 has attachments for a rear rack so I can hang panniers off of it. For my general uses I find it invaluable for those trips to the grocery store. I can carry A LOT of stuff in those things and do so.
Now that I've tasted thirty mile rides on the bike I can see the point of having strictly a road bike. After my conversation with TomS last night I'm more of the opinion that he should strongly consider the Trek 2.1 or a similar type bike from another manufacturer. I think he's after using the bike for long 'workout' type rides as opposed to a jack of all trades type bike like mine.
Why am I telling you this? Two reasons, I get this question a fair amount of the time and because I need to document my descent into madness.
I've managed to ride my bike in three days in a row now - I'm hoping to do the entire week. Not much going on in the gym today. I spent most of my time trying to talk IronMan into going to Bob Evans but IronMan has this... what's the word? oh yeah discipline.

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