Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Mayor of HotMessDublin

Snot flows freely over my upper lip, the coarse bike glove dragging across it bringing sporadic relief, tears roll down my cheeks from the cold and a mouth full of cherry flavored Cold-EEZEs dribble down my chin like blood. I look like Bella dumped me, a broken hearted Edward on a bike - only HOTTER.

What the heck am I doing hump er riding this bike in at six in the morning? It's 45 degrees and I'm in shorts and a windbreaker. Thank God that whole shaving my legs incase I'm in a wreck phase has passed, or has it? Could my legs be any colder? Would shaven legs further enhance my broken hearted vamperic hotness?

Peddling onward I wonder when the bottom falls out and Lindsay Lohan is reduced to a bike if it will be a tandem so when she wrecks she can pin it on her assistant. There's quite a competition heating up between Bynes and Lohan. As Lauren Sivan noted, 'Lohan to Bynes: "I'm the Mayor of HotMessHollywood, get it?"' after she got arrested for leaving the scene of an accident. This was in response to Bynes getting kicked out of a spin class after she pulled her top off revealing a tiny black underwire bra to everyone in the class. Apparently this violates some sort of female workout code where it would have been fine had she been wearing a sports bra but lacy black underwires are a big no-no. Personally, I'm fine with it. Suffering from oxygen depravation, or drugs or just plain insanity Amanda then decided it would be a good time to reapply her makeup while casually turning the peddles and ten minutes later the instructor (who I bet was female) kicked her out because all the men in the class had stopped to watch.

Lohan vs Bynes - this could be quite a battle!

I wonder what it would take for me to assume my rightful place as the Mayor of HotMessDublin? Will shaved legs be enough? Maybe a tragic drug dependency to Cold-EEZE would help?

Ah, here at work time to become nearly-normal Bill, put to rest these deep, deep thoughts and try out these new earbuds.

Hot Mess Bynes after a Brutal Spin Class Workout

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