Saturday, January 30, 2010

Warning Signs

We're in a deep chill here, most likely just like you. I just got done stumbling around the backyard making sure that the heated birdbath is full of fresh water and the feeders are topped off. I frequently get eye rolling at the 'heated' birdbath like its some sort spa and we're handing out bathrobes and blow dryers after our feathered friends hop out of their bath. I use to have the same what's the point? attitude until I read a bit about them. It's currently 16 degrees here, that bath will be rock solid ice inside of three hours if it wasn't heated. The birds tend not to bathe in the thing at this point, they drink from it. Unfrozen water is a concern for them right now.

Before I leave you with some impression that I'm some sort of hopey-changey tree hugging environmentalist I'd like to mention that a nearer truth is I'm a basket case of self-contradictions. Yes I love riding a bike but that's because of some recently discovered pleasure I get from it. I've babbled about that before and will babble about it again. The fact that I may be reducing carbon emissions is secondary, a happy side effect from my point of view. I get from all the reading I do on this 'hobby' from others that some hold the reverse perspective. I'm good with that as long as you don't rub my nose in it.

I enjoy watching the birds and the well behaved squirrel from my kitchen window. I even enjoy a local red tail falcon that will occasionally swoop in for a drink of water or a hapless bird snack selected from the bird feeder buffet I've laid out for him. But chipmunks? I'm a remorseless death camp commandant when it comes to those cute little rodents. They are far too destructive for my tastes, burrowing under everything. Spring through fall, we are at war. I yearn for the day my red tailed hawk buddy nails one. I hold similar feelings for rabbits.

I've grown to loathe deer. Yes, yes there's something majestic about those creatures but when I stare into the deep dark truthful mirror I must confess they are far more majestic nibbling on your trees than mine. They've become giant squirrels to me and I've already been out in the yard shoving a lawn chair at them like some lion tamer trying to convince them that the 'eats' are better in your yard. They seemed surprised by my attitude, one even trying to tentatively approach me to pet it I presume, or maybe get in one good kick.

I've decided to take the day off at the gym, I'm still feeling yesterdays workout - I may play with the Wii fit some, try and get a feel for that thing. When I woke up this morning I thought it would be a super idea to have some raisin bran smothered in yogurt. I'm paying more attention to my calcium intake since I started taking that book seriously. It grossed my wife out.

What's not to love?

So I'm strolling around the kitchen munching this concoction and trying to figure out what I want to do that's pleasant. Feeding the birds was fun but it is too cold for this pansy for an extended stay outside. Since I can't ride a bike at the moment maybe I can go to the library and read about it.

I'm wondering about the depth of my depravity, like I noted last week I'm a piker next to others but the signs are there. However, I want to RIDE and I'm feeling a mounting tension on my inability to do so. It's kinda funny in a junky needing a fix sort of way. Probably by this time next year I'll have full cold weather gear so I can scratch that itch.

I glance at the bikes in the garage while taking out the garbage. They look forlorn and I'm chomping at the bit to prep them for the upcoming season, stupid cold weather! We have four out there, my commuter and ones for the rest of the family. Precious, er my newest acquisition is in the basement, safe and warm.

I check on it frequently. My wife, whom I loveth, comes back from the library full of books about cycling. Some look pretty darned interesting. I plop down on a chair and start reading...

LSD huh? I'll have to try it but that's another story for a different day.

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