Bubbles whispers dire warnings in my ear, ponyTail entreats me to write again. My wife wants me to do ANYTHING AT ALL!
Everyone's frustrated, even the dog.
And I sit here, indolent, a sulking middle aged teenager 'zahning' the issue. Rolling it over and over like a tongue over a broken tooth (don't bite Lifesavers or you will face a crown - I'm facing two since you don't want to bite down on keys either - this public service advice brought to you by Bill and my parole officer - that should be good for say 15 public service hours).
D_TOSERV strolls by adding another straw to the camel's back ("Been riding that bike of yours? Seems like an expensive thing not to use" when receiving my negative head shake). I hate him. No, that's not accurate since he recently went through the rear window of a parked car while fiddling with a bike computer but that's his own PSA, not mine. Jealous is a nearer truth, jealous of his focus and dedication to exercise. The sheer repetition of it.
Two lousy months of not posting. I am sooooooo tired of starting and stopping - sputtering like an arthritic lawnmower trying to start. It's annoying.
I'm the 'Breaking Bad' of motivation except without the cancer and the mad meth making skills. Maybe more 'Breaking Bacon' near the edge but not quite done trying yet. My wife thinks these musings (blogging) is good for me, I agree.
I told her I'm ready to start again.
Two months.
We'll see.
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