I have fought A LOT of addictions during my stint on this planet, I know from experience exactly what it will take to waddle my way back to a reasonable weight and at the moment I'm not willing to do it.
Last year I tried and 'tried' is a very subjective word modifying my diet. It did not take, my wife really REALLY wants me back in the gym, back on a healthy routine. I have waited almost two years to get out of this funk, this blog is littered with false starts and half attempts and I am at wits end.
What happens next is I'm going to have to show up at some other meeting and get weighed, blood tested, blood pressure etc. Then a few weeks later I'll get some email stating that I have to do such and such or pay $X. Last year I tried such and such this year will be where do I pay?
I was extremely short with my wife (sorry!) at lunch today - she doesn't deserve that static. I think it's a reflection on my disappointment in myself and my inability to kick start this process.
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