I rode my commuter bike up to Great Clips to have my hair cut today. On the way out I took the bike path and about a third of the way along it I recalled, with a smirk, goFast's hatred of them. And I agree unless it's my daughter on them, then not so much. There's a perception that the bike trails are safer but I question that, at least after you get comfortable on the road and you want to go over 15mph. With a bike on a bike path the only people who are aware of you are walking towards you. That's it. The family gaggle on six bikes ahead of you with three of the kids weaving all over the path have no clue of your existence until you get near enough to start shrieking, "
ON YOUR LEFT DAMMIT!!! scaring everyone and making that five year old girl on the Barbie bike cry. As fun as that is you should save it for Halloween and get off the path. I have a bike bell which is a little better than screaming but the family gaggle should absolutely be on the path, the pace is perfect, and mom and dad can pop the necessary amount of valium without worry. The others who have no concept of invisible Bill on a bike are cars.
Not a clue
They'll be pulling out across the path so they can see if they can turn with traffic or not. They'll turn in front of you - simply put they are unaware and they hate you which is why you occasionally have some idiot pull up next to you when you're actually on the road screaming, "Get on the path you halfwit! So I can kill you by not seeing you. Here on the road I have to notice your fat lard ass!"
After weaving through a minefield of fallen apples up by the UDF I made a mental note to take the road back and actually got home much faster and safer.
I was thinking about none of this while I rode, it was kind of a background hum while I pondered Twitter. I've been on Facebook for awhile and have just started messing with Twitter - it's very cliquey and like everywhere else only the popular get heard. That's OK, one of its more practical uses is as a news or incredibly stupid things moronic celebrities say feed - you can 'Follow' people, news organizations whatever floats your boat. I tend to open twitter and let it stream off on the right of my monitor so I don't miss pearls of wisdom like this from
Lauren Sivan
How many shots does it take to wake up pantsless in a SEÑOR FROG'S bathroom? "@JENNIWOWW Ask me your spring break questions"
I arrive covered in sweat cuz that's how I roll in humid Ohio. Mopping my brow with my bike glove I ask the tattooed Great Clips woman if I can park my bike in their lobby - nope - so I chained it to a sign outside. I'm in a nice area and the chain will merely inhibit the casual socialist who would think that an unchained bike is a gift to the people. My local area is trying to be (or is becoming) the Portland of the midwest when it comes to biking, but not in this area yet or there'd be a bike rack.
What's my point? I don't know. I guess if you start thinking riding your bike for errands is some "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" fantasy with Katharine Ross on the handlebars it isn't. Depending on the errand you'll need a way to secure your bike, panniers to carry all the crap you don't need from your shopping spree, water and a small towel to wipe off your sweat unless you're a girl - sweaty girls are hot, sweaty Bills are not. I'm pretty sure it's an x-chromosome thing.
Not sure where I'm going with this blogging thing - like a junkie I'm trying to find a vein.