Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I'm starting to get back on track after I (barely) survived my wife's attempt to murder me last weekend. She tried doing it using a 5K. I ended up doing 6.8 miles throughout the day and that ended up being pretty tough on my knee.

So I took Monday "off" from the gym - my knee is a tricky thing and when it first went bad it hurt so much I literally couldn't sleep. A friend described it best, "The pain is like a toothache" endless. Now that I'm getting gel injected into it I can sleep and I'm not in much pain (I limp) which I'm beginning to view more as a feature, like Ahab.

I might be hypersensitive to it but if I'm going to really succeed at taking care of myself I'm going to have to find balance between the parts of my body that still sorta work and the parts that are, sigh, in decline like my very arthritic knee.

My path will be what my wife described as, "Finding the balance... and coffee."

The Feng-shui of exercise routines.

I do LT's upper body thing today and tried to pick up the pace with pretty good success, my (#deep) thought being a higher heart rate will help with fat reduction.

Once done I decide LT simply must see my HR chart. She says, "This makes my heart happy."

Spin on Friday.

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