Friday, April 12, 2019

SPIN Damn Your Eyes!

I figured I was in trouble when LT opened with, "Let's start with a light warm up... say, 'yes'"


We've started with only four bikes but people keep coming in until finally the last dude kicks LT off her bike. Ghost wafted in, brows furrowed at the class size and got straight to it. Maybe next time I'll get the full Ghost experience but I was glad to see her. This is bad news since LT can completely focus on inflicting elevated heart rates and increased whining without being distracted by actually spinning.

Our collective suffering was unspeakable and I shall never speak of it again. All I can remember is saying "yes" and what might be best described as elfish giggling.

It was weird and fun and LT should consider remaining off the bike and marching around like a demonic elf drill sergeant more often. She looked like she was having fun.

I'm also considering "Throw Back Thursdays" where we all come to the gym in fantastic 70s workout attire!

Say 'Yes'
PS: I don't workout on Thursdays...

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