Friday, April 19, 2019

The Dark Side of The Gym

Someone forwarded me an email sent to LT - I was SHOCKED this sort of backstabbing went on in our peaceful gym.

From: "Mole,The"
Date: Friday, April 19, 2019 at 9:01 AM
To: "LT"
Cc: [redacted], [redacted], [redacted]
Subject: Today's Spin Class


I’m using a double-blind app I bought from Kmart to mask my identity since this email puts my very life at risk! Call me ‘The Mole.’

We were all devastated that you weren’t at Spin today and found ourselves under Other Trainer's tender (though slightly sadistic) mercies. She worked us hard which brings me to the point of this missive.

After class [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted] were quite vocal in saying how hard that class was, how tired and thoroughly spent they were. 

Sadly, the implication is clear, isn’t it?

They don’t feel you’re pushing them hard enough at Friday’s spin and desperately need you to bring them to the next level of pain and suffering. TURN IT UP!

For the record, I’m good and don’t need any pushing, seriously, couldn’t be happier!


Bi… er The Mole.

Let's Watch!

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