Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate

I'm humping this 'hill' on the spinner attempting to push my heart rate past indifferent into the near anaerobic stage as I halfheartedly follow Diablo's manifesto from yesterday. I hate this, it's hard.

When did I become a hater? I should be a halfhearted hater... but I'm not.

So I managed to get out of bed early enough to get in the gym for a 35min interval workout on the spinner. Five hills of 2:30 up and 2:30 down or something like that. Redeye is blasting in my ears distracting me from the task at hand. I'm not wearing my heart rate monitor so I'm flying blind but I can tell I'm well below the "95%–100%"max HR that Diablo is babbling about. I know this because I'm not covered in sweat wishing I was dead. And I mean, really??!! I'm suppose to jack my HR up that high five times in 35 minutes?

So what's the point? Am I doing anything beneficial AT ALL?! Or am I getting out of bed early for no good reason what-so-ever?

I hate this indifferent exercise funk I seem to be permanently locked in.

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