Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Kasich gets heckled during his state of the state speech probably indicating he's on the correct track. Tressel is a dirty boy destined for gay porn as his life begins that Charlie Sheen death spiral, nah, he'll be fine. He's playing this right.

Me? I'm on this stupid spinner mulling the last few days and hoping/wondering if my latest attempt at 'steely resolve' will take this time around.

I had stumbled into the gym yesterday where I was startled to see a very happy and healthy IronMan in the middle of some P90X abomination, putting his feet on a bench, his hands on 20lb dumbbells. He does a push up, lifts one dumbbell, another push up, lifts the other dumbbell...


Shamed. It's really tough to phone it in when IronMan is in the room so I immediately give up and head for the showers.

But that was yesterday and today is today and ever since that evil girl wearing a brownie uniform dropped by yesterday evening with a mess-o-thin-mints that I stupidly ordered figuring I'd have things handled by now, that I'd get a grip... Sheen like I'd be WINNING by this moment in time...

But I'm not.

And as I pound these pedals and battle these indolent demons my mind wishes to rebut that hater on the radio yesterday who was badmouthing sports as having no value (his argument in effect was that we're taking this Tressel thing too seriously) in 'the real world.' There is oodles of value in discipline, the will to just do it. It's broken me, turned me into some indifferent burnout trying to claw my way back into caring, nah that's not it, I care but I've lost the JOY I once had in doing this stuff. It should be... uncomplicated.

You think it's over now
But this is only the beginning
It's in your eyes

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