::twiddles thumbs while waiting for inevitable Bike Snob saving::
::glances at the Bike Snob::
FINE! So Bill the pinhead decided it would be oh-so-fine to stay up late for no good reason whatsoever and is now paying heavy karmic dues. I had high hopes of actually working out... yesterday but this morning after swilling coffee and stumbling around with the dog outside and finding that I had to return two DVDs to the library, falling into some driving autopilot/trance and forgetting about them until pulling into the gym parking lot and getting out of the car and noticing the little bad boys staring up at me like - oh I don't know - baby birds? expectant inanimate objects? (it's too early for metaphors), groaning, back in the car, driving to the library, depositing the silly things, back to the gym, it's 6:30am, showering, weighing, and now doomed to a day of writing long, rambling, run on sentences that lead nowhere...
Wait a minute!
I have to write my monthly report!
Perhaps all is not lost...
Um, yeah... chick magnet... definitely
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