n. One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin apostata, from Greek apostat
s, from aphistanai, to revolt; see apostasy.]
Cocooned in a state of apostasy I blew yesterday at the gym off, filled marathonMan's ear full of profanity laced tirades on how exercise is totally pointless and generally remained in a state of mental revolt. I also pondered what I was going to do about it. At the moment I despise structured exercise, it just doesn't work (at least for me) so what do we apostates do when the system fails us? One branch re-embraces the cult of the Ho-Ho, or Marlboro returning to the soft embrace of the couch slowly slipping away. It's certainly an easy path to take.
But what do impulsive, undirected hotheads who want to be cool but never will be do? We don't know, usually wing it.
This morning I popped out of bed at 4am and checked on a Layla deep in sleep before hitting the gym at 4:30. I knew I was gonna have to get in early to check out the new Spinner. I saw it yesterday but was soooo not in the mood.
It's got this really nice touch screen, and after you're done adjusting all the various crap like seat height and what not you plop down and start entering your age, sex, weight, maxHR, if you're single, zodiac sign blah blah blah.
My biggest disappointment with the machine was that it couldn't pick up my HR strap which is ANT compatible. It would be really useful to have this feedback live during the workout. There's no easy place to put the Garmin so I had to keep pulling it out of my pocket to check my HR.
My second disappointment was Josh, the instructor on the video screen.
Member of the Master Race, Josh, Aids You Through Your Routine with Minimal Smirking and Innuendo
What happened to Jill? It would be so much better with Jill as the instructor dontcha think?
I found it difficult to listen to Josh telling me to feel this and that with all that soft porn music in the background. So I'm doing forty minutes of the 'Endurance' program and it's pretty OK. I enjoyed the workout.
As I was wrapping up marathonMan appeared at 5:30am looking all wanty/needy. This is going to be a popular machine.
A moment of zen from the NC vacation.
If you up the dpi to 720 you get a much better picture!
Stop whining.