The saga of Layla continues. We almost made it through yesterday 'accident' free; however our dreams came crashing down around 8pm when our darling dog ::rolls eyes:: let fly with a stream of urine on the carpet. My wife was nearby and screamed, "LAYLA!" grabbed her and headed for the front door holding her like a super-soaker, Layla's legs splayed open, clearing the path in front of her.
I'm adding to the chaos by screaming, "Put her on the pad! PUT HER ON THE PAD!!!" But I was ignored in the heat of the moment.
We purchased these wee-wee pads that are suppose to compel Layla to whizz all over them. Layla prefers to lounge on them since they're not as cold as the tile, maybe gnaw on them a bit if the mood's on her. But pee on them?! Dude! That's what the carpet's for!
I was walking through our house yesterday, it looks like a war zone. Layla is definitely making her presence known. By the evening we had it back in some order. The battle rages.
That evening, after Layla had lost her ever lovin' mind and ran amok in the house with a toy in her mouth, flying up and down the stairs and grunting like a constipated geriatric, 'the collective' met and decided I was to walk Layla since American Idol was coming on.
Oh, and we have no milk, turning my evening stroll into a two mile, late evening errand. I got grumpy, harnessed 'Clueless' up and stormed out feeling put upon. All the little nick knacks we're spending on this dog is probably keeping the economy afloat so don't thank the current administration ::rolls eyes:: thank me. I'd itemize a list (harness, leash, etc.) but I'm traumatized enough dontcha think?
When it comes to walking, Layla doesn't mess around, setting some hellish pace and constantly glancing back at me with this, "What's the hold up OLD MAN?" look on her face until some interesting scent distracts her ("What's THIS?!") about every twenty feet. It makes for a weird interval workout.
By the time we reached UDF I was in better spirits but I didn't have a PRAYER of leaving Layla leashed outside. She was way too excited by all the people and activity. Fervently hoping that I could get the milk and get out, I pick Layla up head in, go straight for the milk, grab a gallon and approach the lady behind the cash register while babbling, "I'm sorry, I really couldn't leave her outside, we'll go right after I pay you."
She could care less saying, "She's beautiful."
Really?! Would you like to buy her?
We pay and head out, all the while Layla's head was swiveling like a tracking radar but she was good and not squirmy. That's for 'next time' I'm certain.
It's dark and Layla sets a sustained pace that's near a jog for me. She hasn't made up her mind on cars yet (Chase them? Yes/No) and I'm trying to dissuade her, yanking on the leash when she stops to 'study' them, she's fearless but will lose that battle. Nearing our house I see my wife approaching with a flashlight, checking on us and feeling bad about my mood. Layla has run that out of me so I'm good. We walk home together, Layla in the lead.
This morning all I could do was twenty minutes on the stair climber. It's something, I've shoved bike rides to the back burner of my mind letting it puzzle on it. Establishing a routine with Layla should help with getting those in. Just got to get the routine down.
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