Monday, November 16, 2009

I Sprint Therefore I Am

Sometimes I hate blogging, no that's not accurate, I hate the stupid promises I make to myself, like being honest in the dumb blog and trying to record my ordeal daily. Well honest about my goals and what it's like to attempt such a substantial lifestyle change otherwise I go surreal because I like it there. So when I weighed in after doing thirty minutes of intervals and ABS at 206 I had to face some facts.

My weight is going the wrong way. I can't lie to myself about it.

The second thought followed hard upon, what are you going to do about it?

I guess we'll see huh?

There, are you happy now blog gods? I have kept my word, this exercise stuff isn't easy, nor much fun but I feel compelled to keep at it and I have this weird need not to sugar coat it. The compulsion to keep at it is amorphous to me, probably because I haven't given it much if any thought. Maybe it boils down to 'I sprint, therefore I am' or some other weirdness.

I don't like exercise, or at least this brand of it but I love the results.

There has been a lot of interest in the scrum training I recently took. I had my pal Quinton throw together an indoctrination, um er, educational video of exactly what 'scrum' is...

I sprint therefore I am.

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